sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

My name is ...symmetry theory code (break)

In this theory, reading this excellent article and theory, on the website of Rich :http://www.zodiacciphers.com/1/post/2013/05/the-symmetry-of-the-13-symbol-cipher.html on the symmetry of the "my name is", I had an idea ,  i used the criteria from the letter K (like a KEY) and the letter N meaning "north", or toward  for back and forth to find letters and symmetry ."AE"/"EA"assigning such letters beginning and end of the code "inverted", finally this its end produces such letters can form this and other anagrams.


open for suggestions


segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2013

The Map

Theoretical analysis, I used the scale below the map. Open for help. (And please, it's just theory!!)
Interestingly this map are two things, the measure of the vertical line (south / north) is exactly proportional to the scale below the left on the map. Another thing is that the parallel measure, which draws method of repetitions in frequencies of letters or symbols, form exactly one isosceles triangle, starting from the Hermam Lake - Monte Diablo - and the end of the horizontal  line (20). I may be completely wrong, but as I say this site is just theories, open to suggestions.